Oh my gods!
I've just had the most enormous kick up the arse to get back into writing! After having an in-depth discussion with Sophie McKenzie and Robert Muchamore and their publicists/editors a couple of weeks ago and deciding that yes, it's finally time for me to head back to college to 'hone my skills', I am here. In a creative writing class. About freaking time right?!
I've clearly been neglecting this blog for far too long and just 30 minutes into this class, I can feel my inner inspiration unblocking and thoughts that just want to leap out of me on to a page. Reading some of my old writing again has made me really want to re-evaluate it and work harder to create a more interesting and readable blog. I've learnt so much in such a short space of time already and I can't wait to share some new ideas and musings with you all.
It's all a bit incredible really, my journey back to here. I started this blog when I was actually too depressed to even post anything! I slowly started posting bits and pieces last year inbetween trying to keep busy to take my mind off of my life. Sadly, it made my posts suffer and I only managed to spit out one review, which reading back now, is possibly one of the most horrendous pieces of writing that has ever left my body via pen/pencil/whatever...
Still I think the time has now come for me to get back on that horse! So ahoy for now and I'll be back...